Monday, 18 April 2011

What an earth is a MOOC

As if there aren't enough things to remember, along comes another a MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course and sadly I haven't got time to look further into this. One example is the South Eastern Europe Teachers Association but one MOOC that look quite interesting was 'Digital Storytelling'

I will leave Nicky Hockly to give more details on what actually constitutes a MOOC on her blog. because I have work to do but I wanted to make a note of this to come back to.


Anonymous said...

LOL!! I first came across this on that debate I started for H810, on a topic chosen by our group: Massively Open Online Courses – the Death of Universities? ( - and even as I was reading this term in that debate about MOOCs, I wondered what a MOOC was!!

Joanne said...
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Joanne said...

Thank you some good links, I bookmarked Nicky's blog I liked the flow and style of it.
I am new to blogging and have found your blog helpful in expanding my reflection on the use of a blog. Your energectic style and astute explanations of subjects are brilliant and much appreciated. KR joanne

Steve McGowan said...

Thanks Joanne & Kate for popping in there's me thinking I was in a world of my own.

Gosh Joanne I feel really good after that comment.I tend to write as a reaction to something and just let it flow typos and all :-)

Anonymous said...

Hm. I hit the RSS feed button, and it was for comments - NOT posts!! How do I subscribe to POSTS???

Steve McGowan said...

Hi Kate If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find the rss feed. However if it is difficult t find its hardly good so I have now added a subscribe to link top RHS of page. Cheers Kate

Anonymous said...

Sorry, mate, that's NOT the RSS feed for posts, it's only the RSS feed for comments - so I get informed when someone replies to this post, but NOT when you post a new post...

This is not sounding like a very literate post, is it?

Anonymous said...

Excellent - think I've got it now!