Swansea University, The Learning Lab staff development initiative
The Learning Lab is an informal collaboration between schools and departments on all aspects of e-learning. A forum to discuss, formulate and disseminate ideas and best practice and an area where learning and teaching rather than technology drive the process.The plan was to learn by actually performing a number of e-learning tasks; a hands on approach.
The learning lab is a website of shared resources and information to help support the University in engadging staff in participation and self learning. Sharing of best practice and ideas because a number of staff had very little idea when it came to using the tools or indeed understanding what e-learning was actually about.
By allowing staff to use and explore the use of the tools it was hoped that they would be able to identify the benefit to their classes where appropriate and start using some of the tools. However the Learning Lab site is a community and where everyone had an opportunity to partake, there was to be no dictation by 'Learning Technologists'.
Your comments on the Learning Lab say that 'it was hoped that ....' do you believe that there were in fact identifiable and tangible benefits that arose that did transfer into schools?
Hi Eddy
Yes I believe it did, but it was a 'hope' that the staff adopted ideas but it was certainly not taken for granted.By sharing best practice others would see the benefits, this project is ongoing and the site still need development I think. Thanks for your input Eddy
Hi Steve, I am not in your group but am hoping that you would please give me permission to quote from your blog for the H807 TMA?
Please advise. Thank you
Hi Traci
By all means good luck with the TMA 800 words is not enough :-)
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