Saturday, 27 February 2010

A quick Reflection, Plenty of innovation this week.

Another busy week in the classroom, started with my OU Tutorial, six students helped to make it a worthwhile event and the disappointment within the group with respect to the location of the next tutorial led me to produce an online poll. I won't post it here because I don't want any extra votes:-) that I am not expecting.
With 26 students seven days after the poll only 12 have answered which is disappointing, it’s only a 10 second task. Here I am considering moving my tutorial to suite the students and many haven’t even responded. I have also produced a Google map showing all there locations to help me identify groups for the next activity another innovative idea thanks to Google.
Most of my working week was spent teaching the only rest bite was a Technical visit to Mitsubishi UK on Friday, where an update on the latest technology in controls was experienced. What’s this got to do with H807 I may well ask, well innovation is all around my life and the sharing of ideas and concepts within the tutor group is both invigorating and rewarding. I wish I had more time to follow up some of the discussions I know now I should be completing the TMA as I go along but I intend to reflect on this during the week and go back over some of the discussions.
The week ahead sees my students complete a practical controls project using all the latest technology I will experience innovation in practice this week, its always interesting to see how as a group they approach this they should divide the work up programming the controllers, touch screens and SCADA system to make the solution but I bet they don’t.
In addition to this a few of my colleagues are finally starting to show an interest in the VLE so I might strike while the irons hot.

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