Without getting in to detail those of you that know where I work will know there as been some upheaval as I was moved to temporary teaching accommodation for twelve months whilst my normal teaching block was refurbished. Now I have been back in for 6 months I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Its fair to say that it actually went quite smoothly looking back and it was worth the upheaval I think.
I have however been able to change a few things and one particular change has been the introduction of a multi-purpose IT and online learning environment, Where un-hindered internet access comes into the classroom for both project work and teaching. I don't think my colleagues quite realise what facilities I have offered up. The journey continues.
Throughout my masters I shared the limitations I was presented with in a strictly controlled learning environment and thankfully they are now starting to relax a little. Now I just need to get a few more fellow practitioners on board and see the room get more use. I guess it will take a while.
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