Sunday, 8 May 2011

Technology in the classroom, 'An example'. Part 3

So why am I the only one using these panels then?

Well this is  not strictly true but since the implementation of panels across many classrooms in the college, why do I see them in use so little? In fact in some classrooms the position of the panel completely contradicts its use.

Here the panel is correctly positioned enabling the teacher to face the class the image is projected behind for all to see. But I have seen panels tucked away in the corner being used as mere computer screens facing away from students and in fact encouraging the teacher to talk whilst looking away from the students. So what barriers have been put up here by my colleagues

Training has been provided, tools and resources made available to prepare at their desks and a number of videos to help accelerate the learning yet still they are not used?

Reasons I hear for this range from:
  • I don't get on with them
  • I can't be bothered with this new technology stuff 
  • Whats wrong with my board work
  • I haven't got time for this
The list goes on. To say I am disappointed is an understatement, as far as I see it a small investment in time has reaped rewards in my classroom. 
  • The ability to print board notes and save several pages of board work to review at the end of the lesson or later on in the course.
  • Being able to prepare flipcharts in advance in little time at all.
  • Review lessons at a later date or indeed use an old flip chart as preparation for a new lesson.
  • Its actual fun too.
  • The list goes on
Talking to students, I am often asked why other lecturers don't use these facilities, what can I say? They are laggards who can't be bothered to spend a little time learning, they don't need to their board work is great, or make some other lame excuse. Well needless to say I remain professional but to be honest they are missing out as far as I am concerned  missing a good opportunity to improve the learning experience for the students.


Debbie said...

I agree Steve - I have many colleagues who have neither the time nor motivation!

We have interactive whiteboards in all our labs and although I like the technology I have one small (but major) issue. I'm only 5ft 1 and I can't reach the top of the board! This makes life difficult and just wasn't taken into consideration when they were installed!

Steve McGowan said...

Hi Debbie you need a long pen lol
or a box to stand on
But you are right the obvious things are often overlooked