Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Recognition route is well under way.

With a couple of weeks left before final submission I have now completed the draft version of 3 sections. A slow start due to the amount of evidence I have and the requirement to thin this down. Its not easy I have been teaching for over twenty years in both HE and FE and some things have to be shared.

The IFL is now SET (The Society for Education and Training) and the route to QTLS requires a teaching qualification. Strange enough having started teaching well before the requirement for a teaching qualification I have never felt the need to get one or felt I would benefit in any way. I am already a practitioner, a Fellow of the Higher Education, an OU Tutor and a Senior lecturer. My CPD is current and having  technical qualifications in the shape of an Honours Degree and HND and a Masters in Online Distance Education I felt I was just about qualified enough. Next step was a PHd rather than a step backwards and two years on DTLS which I was dreading.

Thankfully the route to QTLS includes a recognition route to allow old and experience educators an opportunity to demonstrate competence. An easy route you may think, but it has not been for me.

So off I go then.
I started with a breakdown of the requirements, the following mindmap or spider diagram identifies the sections where evidence is required. Click on it to see it in more detail.

The next stage involved collating evidence to support each of the sections, no easy feat and I still think I may need to thin this down more but a useful exercise involved putting evidence on post its. They could then be moved around to the different sections.

Getting organised - Post-its identify evidence.
I can now focus on the write up and referencing although the guidance is very vague. No idea of word counts although it is clear that a reflective piece of writing is required linked to evidence loaded into the e-portfolio on Reflect.


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