Saturday, 17 September 2011

Why 'Jing' is so useful?

Here I am fighting my way through an EMA and up pops an email, one of my students is struggling to compress his report to the size required by the OU eTMA system. I know the problem he needs to compress his pictures. But I am working on my assignment and want to get on with it.

  • Do I ring him and try to explain over the phone?
  • Do I try and pop it in an email?
  • No I am going to 'Jing' him. (Stop laughing)

What surely if time is tight I hear you say, its going to take longer to create a video to explain how to do it. Well this is where you are wrong, within 5 minutes the email returned contains a link to the following online video, which quickly explains how to overcome his problem.
Whats more this may help me on my assignment so time well spent I think.

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