Tuesday, 18 May 2010

A good thread.

What started out as just a comment on e-assessment has led to a thread on lurking or lurkers. It wasn't meant to be a personal comment aimed at anyone merely an observation. Salmon (2004) defines lurkers as three types:-

  • Those still trying to use the system
  • The sponge- those need more time
  • The silent thief - those happy to freeload on other peoples work.
Ouch I am not sure I like the last term much. As for techniques to encourage activity Salmon goes on to offer a few methods along the lines of give more time, I am not sure on this one either 14 weeks into the course. I am sure we all lurk at times when learning online but when it constitutes a part of the assessment then there is a requirement to take part.

I was a quiet student in my younger days, just studied the material and handed in the work on time very rarely went to tutorials and in hindsight probably missed out. These days I like to get my monies worth and to be honest I am really enjoying the conferencing on H807. I just wish I had more time. 

Salmon ,G.(2004) E-moderating: The key to teaching and learning online, 2nd edn, London: Routledge Falmer.

Available online E-Moderating